In a world of superheroes and action sequences, sometimes some crazy shenanigans are in order. Add in a little dark humor, a good amount of uncovered ground, a fun art style and the perfect addition to entertainment is born. Enter Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, creators of the cartoon that is taking the adult world by storm, Rick and Morty.
This show covers a variety of interesting ground due to the science fiction nature of the story. With its twist on what Back to the Future could have been, there are of course fun gadgets to explore. The title character, Rick, has a flying car as well as an impressive portal gun.
The portal gun is far more than just a means to travel, however. Rick is not the most reliable character, so even now it is unknown what the full power of the gun might be. As the show goes on, it is clear that we’ve only begun to scratch the surface of its true potential.
If you want to buy a toy portal gun, you can get it here on Amazon.
What Is The Portal Gun?
The object that Rick carries around is shown to be a light grey, rectangular object that looks like a grocery store scan gun. There are three green lights within the nose and a bulb of green energy on the top. There is a single dial between the main body of the gun and the handle that makes it work its magic.
By firing out green portals, the gun lets its user travel between dimensions, universes, maybe even realities. The gadget remembers places that the user has already been, and shows them on the red screen above the dial. Simple enough to choose a place to go and hop right in.
It is said that the gun was designed and created by Rick, but in this world of multiple realities, it is unclear which Rick was the one who created it. Rick C-137, or the Rick who we follow in the show, carries and uses the gun. The only origin we’ve seen of the portal gun is later shown to be a lie, leaving us to wonder where the tool actually came from.
Is the Portal Gun a Weapon?
Well, not exactly. The portal gun can absolutely be used to protect Rick and any cohorts along for the ride, it can even be used to hurt others, but not in the way one might think. By using the awesome portal powers of this gun, Rick is able to move new objects into the field of battle.
This can be very useful in the case of an attack. By pulling in a more violent tool, the portal gun becomes, at the very least, a means to a weapon as needed. Since living things can also be moved using this device, the option of pulling over a beast or brigade is at Rick’s fingertips.
When thinking about defense, the portal gun has solutions for that as well. The gun has the ability to move protective items as well, such as things to create barricades or just bar the passing of aggressors. Aside from just running away, the portal gun also makes damage from falling non-existant by slowing the fall of someone who goes in and comes back out nearer the ground.
What Can the Portal Gun Do?
Of course, the portal gun can make portals, that’s right in the name, but for a gadget to be the mainstay of a series, it must have more power than that. We are not disappointed by Rick’s portal gun. It doesn’t stop at making portals, it has some other awesome abilities too.
The Portal gun has a memory, which doesn’t sound so exciting when thinking of the tech of the world, but in this instance, it is a far greater achievement than a couple of gigabytes of mp3s. The memory of the portal gun is dimensional locations, making it possible for Rick and Morty to travel to any place the gun has portaled to before. This allows them to always find home, or be able to return to important places from their past.
Additionally, the portal gun can work with computers. The front end of the gadget, where the three green lights are, is able to connect with a computer and work through that connection. With this type of uncompromising hacking technology, the portal gun becomes an even greater piece of technology.
And as with any good, powerful tool, the portal gun comes equipped with a self-destruct button. The button is hidden safely away on the interior of the gun, but having the option is important to prevent it from getting into the wrong hands. Provided that Rick and Morty are the right hands for the gun.
Who Can Use the Portal Gun?
Like with most great fictional tools, the portal gun has the potential to do some serious harm along with the upsides. To minimize the damage done, the show provides us with a group, the Council of Ricks, to protect the portal gun. Since the show’s universe is working with multiple realities, there are many portal guns, held by many Ricks at any given moment.
This council monitors the usage of a portal gun, being able to sense when one that is owned by a member Rick has gotten out of their hands. In this way, the Council of Ricks means to keep the many dimensions safe for all of Rick kind. However, as with many a ruling body, this government of sorts is not all that they seem, and Rick C-137 does not join. This means his portal gun can be compromised and no one will be the wiser.
Though the portal gun is an awesome and powerful tool, it also has a dangerous side. Traveling through the universe, hoping between dimensions, and visiting alternate realities is only good as long as things go well. Luckily there are other abilities and a governing body in place to protect the timeline from too much wanton portal usage.
With such a smash hit, it’s no wonder the portal gun has become such a popular gadget. You can even purchase replicas like this one by Funko online. Just be sure to avoid evil versions of yourself if you do start portaling around!