A pair of nunchucks are Might Guy’s weapon of choice. His most notable pair is called the Sōshūga. Guy is a character from the anime Naruto that is well known for his superhuman abilities with...
Posts by Gabe Nelson
“The greatest samurai sword ever forged.” - Hattori Hanzo Why is Beatrix Kiddo's sword popular? The sword was made popular by many Kill Bill fans after the release of the two films in the...
What is Sasuke’s sword type? Sasuke’s sword is a chokuto sword and was his personal weapon of choice used in all of Naruto Shippuden. Sasuke would normally draw out this sword when he...
The Sword of Gryffindor is arguably one of the most significant weapons in the J.k. Rowling series, Harry Potter. It is used to aid a fellow member of the House of Gryffindor. Appearance What...
The Master Sword The Origins of the Master Sword The master sword is also known as, “The Goddess Sword,” “Blade of Evil’s Bane,” “The Legendary Sword,” “The Master Sword...
Glamdring is Gandalf’s fabled one-handed sword. It is the second half of Gandalf’s fighting style and it handles much of Gandalf’s close-range attacks. It is known for its beauty, made with a...